Periphery: donates office clothing for suitable impressions program

Wow! We’re so thankful for Periphery donations of women’s business attire for our Suitable Impressions program. Suitable Impressions is a full-day workshop for people on employment assistance that prepares them for transitioning into the workforce.

We offer job-specific clothing, personal care items and first impression training for job seekers. Participants gain hands-on experience that enhances their self-esteem and in turn, employability, by getting the tools and tips they need to make that critical positive first impression with future employers.

Our participants also leave the workshop with six new work-related clothing items and a gift bag full of personal care items, a cell phone and starter card (if needed), a haircut certificate from Donato Salons and financial literacy support by Credit Canada.

Thank you, Periphery, for making such a critical difference through Brands For Canada!
